Are there any Medical, Age or Weight restrictions?

We can fly anyone aged 12 and over, as long as they fulfil the medical, height and weight criteria (stated below).  You must also be  physically capable of getting into and out of the aircraft without assistance**.

Weight limits are based on participant weight fully clothed and wearing shoes:

T67 Firefly Aircraft Limits:  Weight limit* is 17 stone (108kg).  Minimum height 5ft (1.52m).  Maximum height 6ft 5". (1.95m)

Extra300 Aircraft Limits:  Weight limit* is 15 stone 7 lbs (98kg).  Minimum height 5ft (1.52m).  Maximum height 6ft 4" (1.93m).

There is no upper age limit to fly with us.

You will be required to complete a Medical Self-Certification Form before flying with us - if you have any doubts about any health conditions, please give us a call - we may recommend you contact your GP for advice.  If you answer any questions on the form with a "yes" you should speak with your pilot on the day.

It remains at the discretion of the instructor pilot on the day to have the final say over the manoeuvres flown, whether the participant is fit to fly, and whether to terminate a flight early if the participant is or appears to be unwell.

** As well as needing to be physically capable of getting into and out of the aircraft without assistance, you should also be physically capable of evacuating the aircraft by yourself in an emergency; this includes the possibility of having to physically operate a parachute. If you have a disability that excludes you from flying with us on the basis above, we recommend that you contact aeroBILITY.

Cancellations / Change of Flight Date / Late Shows

If you wish to change your chosen flight date, please give at least 14 days' notice so that you do not incur charges. In particular, for Top Gun flights (which are flown in pairs) if you cancel or wish to reschedule your flight at short notice, this causes significant scheduling issues and will affect the other participant's booking as they will no longer have an “opponent” to fly against (for these flights you are paired with another participant/opponent in a second aircraft with whom you will carry out formation flying and air combat).

We therefore have a strict cancellation policy for Top Gun flights as follows:

    • If you give us 14 (or more) days’ notice to postpone your flight, we will reschedule to the next suitable date for no charge.
    • If you cancel between 3-13 days before your flight date you will be charged a rescheduling fee of £95.
    • If you cancel within 48 hours and fail to provide an alternative guest, your flight experience voucher will be forfeited completely.

For all other flight experiences, for cancellations made within 7 days of your scheduled date, a rearrangement fee of £50 will be charged.

Please aim to arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled briefing time. If you arrive late and we are unable to fit you into the schedule, you may forfeit your voucher entirely.

How do I get to Goodwood Aerodrome?

Ultimate High is based at Goodwood Aerodrome & Motor Circuit, Chichester, PO18 0PH (just north-east of Chichester, only 60 miles from London, and 30 miles from Brighton and Southampton).

Do not rely on your sat nav as it may take you to the wrong side of the airfield if you just use our postcode. The entrance to the Aerodrome is on Claypit Lane (on the eastern side of the airfield).  Our location is accurate on Google Maps.

 As we are not signposted at the Aerodrome, please follow the directions below:

  • On arrival at the Aerodrome, drive straight ahead and pass through the tunnel and follow the road round to the LEFT (signposted Goodwood Aerodrome).
  • Continue all the way to the end of the tree-lined road.   You will see "Goodwood Aerodrome" in large letters on the side of a white building straight ahead of you (and a statue of Douglas Bader) and bear left again and park.
  • We are in a small white building on your right as you turn the corner.

Travelling by Train from London

  • The nearest train station is Chichester, which has direct connections to London Victoria; the train takes around 1.5 hours.
  • Chichester railway station is about a 10-15 minute taxi ride from the Aerodrome.  There is a taxi rank outside.

Travelling from Abroad / Flying Into the UK

  • Southampton Airport is 35 miles away and should take around 40 minutes by car, although if you are travelling in the rush hour, congestion on the M27 can cause it to take much longer than this.
  • London Gatwick is 47 miles away (approx 1 hour by car and less affected by rush hour traffic).
  • Both Southampton and Gatwick have train connections to Chichester.
What do I need to do before my flight?

Full joining instructions can be found here.  All flying is subject to weather, aircraft serviceability, pilot rosters and airfield availability.

It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU CALL US TO CHECK IN ON 01243 913916, the previous day.  This is not only to check the weather but also to check that the flying is going ahead as planned and that there have been no last minute changes.  As the weather varies considerably around the country, please still call even if it is sunny where you are! DO NOT SET OUT WITHOUT CALLING US, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE BOOKED ACCOMMODATION.

Please aim to arrive at least half an hour before your scheduled time, as you may miss your flight if you arrive after your scheduled start time. If you do arrive late, you may forfeit your voucher.  Read our rearrangement fees / cancellation charges, if you are looking to reschedule at short notice.

The presence of low unbroken cloud or haze (in the summer) and/or high winds may mean that we will have to reschedule flying. The simplest weather guideline is that we need to have bits of blue sky (ie gaps in the clouds) or a high cloud base (of more than 3000 feet).  Rain is fine as long as there are "gaps" between the showers.  Low cloud/drizzle without any breaks will generally mean that we can't fly.  The wind does not usually affect us flying the T67 aircraft as the aircraft has high crosswind limits, but it may affect us flying the Extra 300 aircraft.

During the winter months (November-February), there is a greater than 60% chance that you may not be able to fly due to weather.  This decreases to around 10-20% during the peak summer months.

We will try and ensure you do not have a wasted journey if at all possible, so please call us in advance!  We accept no liability for any costs incurred (eg transport or accommodation) when flying has to be cancelled.  We try very hard not to rearrange trips as we have an extremely high level of bookings and it can be difficult to reschedule cancelled trips.

Can I bring my friends/family with me and can they watch me fly? Are dogs allowed?

Any number of family/friends can come to the airfield itself, HOWEVER, due to space constraints, only 1-2 guests per flying participant can be accommodated in our crew room during the flying brief.

As Goodwood is a busy airfield, our flights do not take place over the airfield itself, but in many locations throughout the local area - your family/friends will therefore only be able to see you get into the aircraft, take-off and land, and will not see you doing aerobatics.

Dogs are allowed at the Aerodrome, but must be kept on a lead at all times and not cross any fences/barriers (ie cannot go airside).

Dogs are not permitted in our crew room/offices but there is grass space outside our building where you can sit with them or leave them unattended (on a lead).

There is also a lovely dog-friendly cafe next to our crew room and picnic tables outside our building, which you are welcome to use.  There is usually lots going on at the airfield (motor circuit cars, Spitfires flying etc) so there is plenty to explore.

We recommend that you do not bring young children with you unless they are interested in aviation or cars!

For safety and insurance reasons only one family member/friend per participant is allowed airside to take photos.

What should I wear?

It is essential that you wear light flat shoes with good grips - trainers are ideal (no sandals or high heels allowed).  We shall kit you out in genuine military flying suits - please wear comfortable casual clothes to go underneath - ie light trousers/shorts, T shirt, and sweater.  Ladies should not wear skirts/ dresses.  It is a good idea to bring a light jacket as it can be exposed on the airfield.  Sunglasses are also recommended.

Loose objects (including cameras, go-pros and phones) are not allowed in the aircraft.  Before putting on your flying suit, you will be asked to empty your pockets of keys, change etc, and remove any jewellery (other than watches and stud earrings), hairgrips etc.  Valuables can either be kept safely in our crew room or left in your car.

Should I eat before I fly?

We recommend that you eat a light breakfast/snack 1-2 hours before you fly as flying aerobatics on an empty stomach (which causes low blood sugar) can increase the propensity for airsickness.

A heavy meal just before your flight is not recommended, and neither is strong tasting food and drink (coffee in particular can induce nausea), and alcohol MUST be avoided.

There is a cafe at the Aerodrome which serves a range of food and beverages should you and/or your family require refreshments during the day.

How much of the flying can I do myself?

LOTS!!!!  All our flights teach you how to fly our aeroplanes and you are encouraged to take the controls and do as much (or as little) of the flying as you like.  As you will be participating in a trial lesson,  your flight with us will count towards a private pilot's licence and you will be able to fly the aircraft in all regimes of flight apart from close formation, take off and landing.

You will be offered the chance to carry out aerobatic manoeuvres yourself, even if you have never flown in a light aircraft before, all under the close guidance of your instructor who will show you the way.

Are your flight experiences suitable for Pilots as well as Non-Pilots?

Yes!  We fly with all kinds of people including very experienced pilots.

Regarding the Top Gun experience we do try to match the pairs into similar ability/ background.  For many pilots, the opportunity to fly in close formation with another aeroplane (when you are usually trying to keep well away from other aircraft!) and to chase another aeroplane around the skies is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  You can do lots of the flying yourself, including the tail-chasing and aerobatics, so existing pilots do learn something as well!

Regarding our aerobatic experiences, we say all pilots should fly the amazing Extra300 once, just to find out what an incredible machine it is.  Our "Fly with a Fighter Pilot" hands-on flight in the T67 Firefly is an excellent introduction to aerobatics.

How long does the experience last?

Group briefings normally take place promptly at 10.30am or 1.00pm (we ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in and do paperwork etc).  Participants are usually briefed in groups of typically 4-6 people, and then flown sequentially in pairs or sometimes threes. 

After putting on your flying suit and choosing your call sign name badge, we carry out a thorough safety and flying briefing, so the first flying "wave" starts around 40 minutes after your briefing start time. 

We aim that you spend no longer than 3.5 hours with us from start to finish, but occasionally you may be with us for longer than this if we are delayed (see below).  If all runs smoothly, you should be with us for 2 - 2.5 hours.

It is difficult to give very accurate times of when you will be flying as there are many things that are out of our control that can affecting timings, which include weather, queues for refuelling, minor technical hitches etc.  We will try to keep you informed of the time that you are likely to be in the aircraft.  If you are under time pressure, please make sure that you let us know in advance and we will endeavour to fly with you first.

Quoted flight times are defined as "airborne time + 10 minutes";  the 10 minutes on the ground is an average time and can vary considerably depending on how busy the airfield is and other factors.  A 35-minute flight will therefore consist of 25 minutes in the air and around 10 minutes on the ground, with the "loggable" time in the pilot's logbook being 35 minutes (in line with the aviation industry standard which measures flight times from the time the aeroplane starts to move up to the point where it finishes moving).  The airborne time may occasionally vary from the time quoted (it may be more or less) for a number of reasons including busy aircraft circuit traffic on returning to the airfield, passenger airsickness etc.

It may be possible to extend your flying time beyond our published times if you wish, if the schedule allows. This should be requested in advance and will be charged at £5 per minute in the T67 Firefly and £8 per minute in the Extra 300 aircraft (payable on the day, after you have flown).

Flight time is entirely at the instructor pilot's discretion; the instructor's prime concern is safety.  We do not charge if your flight time overruns the stated time and likewise are unable to offer refunds if your flight time is less than the time stated, whatever the reason.

Videos/Photos - How can I record the day?

We provide a personalised flight certificate signed by your instructor.

1 family member/friend per participant may come out to the aircraft to take photos of you by the aircraft.

We automatically video all flights.  We will demonstrate the video to you after the flight, and should you wish to  purchase it you can take it with you on the day on a USB memory stick.

The installations have been specifically designed for our aeroplanes (to withstand accelerations of +10g/-10g), and are approved by the CAA.  They generally have good reliability but can occasionally be temperamental.  Should a video not record perfectly in some way, then Ultimate High will not refund any associated flying costs or offer a free repeat flight.

For safety reasons we do not allow participants to wear or use GoPros or cameras in the cockpit. It is not possible to accurately assess the strength or durability of any individual camera harness or mount for appropriateness in a high G environment, and any camera that works loose is a potential missile that might cause injury or damage the cockpit. Camera harnesses are also potential snag points for emergency parachute deployment.

How extreme is the flying? Will I feel sick? Will I have fun?

Second only to safety is our pledge to you to enjoy yourself.  It is an experience you will never forget.  Many people enjoy it so much they come back again and again.  Just look at our testimonials!

We tailor all flights to the individual, and can provide anything from a gentle flying lesson around the area to extreme aerobatics and everything in between, depending on your nerves or your g-tolerance.  This will all be discussed as part of the initial briefing session, and will be continually monitored during the flight by our experienced instructors.

Although some participants expect to feel ill, less than 1% actually are, partly because you actually fly a large proportion of the flight yourself and if you feel uncomfortable, can relax or return to base at any time.

Our Refund Policy

To allow for unforeseen changes in personal circumstances, Flight Vouchers are fully transferable allowing the nomination of alternative participants.

For cancellations made within 14 days of the date of voucher purchase, a full refund will be granted, less an administration charge of £30.  The voucher will be void and must be destroyed.  After this period, the administrative and financial costs incurred in maintaining the operation and setting up flights are such that only 50% of the voucher cost will be refunded, as long as the voucher is less than 6 months old.  We are unable to refund any vouchers that are older than this.

Although we are sympathetic to customers who are cancelled/rescheduled due to weather or for other reasons beyond our control, we are unable to grant refunds outside the terms above.  We accept no liability for any costs incurred (eg transport, accommodation, insurance, days taken off work etc) when flying has to be cancelled.  With this in mind however, we may occasionally offer free voucher extensions and/or free weekend upgrades in exceptional circumstances (eg if customers are rescheduled 3 times or more).

Force Majeure: Should other circumstances outside of our control, which could not have been prevented despite all efforts and precautions on our side – for example Acts of God, riots, civil unrest etc - put a stop to your flight experience, refunds will not be given. All booked participants will be rescheduled to future dates when the event will be held as normal, after the disruption has passed.

Can I extend my gift voucher beyond its expiry date?

We can extend your voucher for 6 months for a £50 fee, or £80 for 12 months, as long as you contact us whilst it is still valid. Unfortunately, we cannot fly you if your voucher has expired (without being extended).

What about the weather?

All flying is subject to weather, aircraft serviceability, pilot rosters and airfield availability.  It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU CALL US TO CONFIRM YOU ARE ATTENDING ON 01243 913916, the previous afternoon.  This is not only to check the weather but also to check that the flying is going ahead as planned and that there have been no last minute changes.  DO NOT SET OUT WITHOUT CALLING US, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE BOOKED ACCOMMODATION.

The presence of low unbroken cloud or haze (in the summer) and/or high winds may mean that we will have to reschedule flying. The simplest weather guideline is that we need to have bits of blue sky (ie gaps in the clouds) or a high cloud base (of more than 3000 feet).  Rain is fine as long as there are "gaps" between the showers.  Low cloud/drizzle without any breaks will generally mean that we can't fly.  The wind does not usually affect us flying the T67 aircraft as the aircraft has high crosswind limits, but it may affect us flying the Extra 300 aircraft.

During the winter months (November-February), there is a greater than 60% chance that you may not be able to fly due to weather or poor airfield conditions.  This decreases to around 10-20% during the peak summer months.

WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU FIRST BOOK YOUR FLIGHT AS EARLY AS YOU CAN IN THE MAIN FLYING SEASON (March-October), and certainly within 6 months of the purchase of the voucher, so that there  will be time to reschedule it if necessary.  If you first book your flight from autumn onwards, there is a chance that you may not fly before the end of the year, in which case your voucher will need to be extended (for a £50 charge).  We have some sympathy for customers who are rescheduled due to weather 3 times or more, and may occasionally extend vouchers for no charge if we consider it appropriate.

We will try and ensure you do not have a wasted journey if at all possible, so please call us in advance!  We accept no liability for any costs incurred (eg transport or accommodation) when flying has to be cancelled.  We try very hard not to rearrange trips as we have an extremely high level of bookings and it can be difficult to reschedule cancelled trips.

What should I do when I receive a gift voucher?

Call us on 01243 913 916 to book in your flight or alternatively you can email us.  Guideline availability can be found in our calendar.

IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST BOOK YOUR FLIGHT AS EARLY AS YOU CAN IN THE MAIN FLYING SEASON, and certainly within 6 months of the purchase date of the voucher (at least 3 months prior to its expiry), so that there  will be time to reschedule it if necessary.  If you first book your flight close to its expiry, particularly if this is in autumn, there is a reasonable chance that you may not fly before the end of the year, in which case your voucher will need to be extended (for a £50 charge).

Is it safe? Am I insured?

There is a huge emphasis on safety, as the military ethos insists that every eventuality is prepared for, no matter how unlikely.  Taking care of you is paramount and we employ the same safety standards used by the RAF to ensure that everybody enjoys a great time without taking risks.  The aircraft are maintained in strict accordance with CAA regulations and our instructor pilots have supreme credentials.  Although aerobatic and formation flying may 'look' dangerous, the flying is done within strict rules around procedures, minimum altitudes and distances between the aircraft.  The instructors have many thousands of hours of military and civilian experience which helps ensure that they are perfectly prepared for flying with you.

We specialise in teaching and promoting safety courses to existing pilots.  Insurance companies recognise the value of our training and offer discounts to pilots who have done safety training with us.

We are fully insured at Lloyds for personal and third party risks up to £10 million, and your own personal policies are normally unaffected by the activity (although you should check this in advance with your provider).  If you booked through an experience agency, you may also automatically receive additional cover.  Copies of our insurance cover are available on request.  Please note that personal effects are not covered by our policies, but again your normal insurance arrangements usually remain valid.

Instructor Pilot Availability

All of our instructors are current or former military fast jet pilots, many of whom have fought and flown operationally in The Gulf War or Bosnia.  They include former Red Arrows pilots, test pilots, Jaguar and Harrier pilots, as well as current Spitfire display pilots.  Additionally, some of them display with our aerobatic display team and compete in advanced and unlimited Aerobatics Championships.  Please see about us for more details.

All of our instructors fly for us part-time, and most have full time jobs, either flying for commercial airlines or still in active service.  They come and fly for us because they enjoy it!

Occasionally, last minute changes to instructors' work commitments may mean that they are called out, in which case we will make every effort to secure a substitute instructor.  Also, from time to time we may unfortunately have to cancel flights if the scheduled pilot is not well and we are unable to secure a replacement.  It may therefore sometimes be necessary to reschedule your flight at short notice due to instructor availability.

Aircraft Serviceability & Airfield Closure

Our aircraft are meticulously maintained to the highest possible standards, in strict accordance with CAA regulations.  From time to time minor technical faults may arise which may preclude flying either temporarily or for the whole day.  If this situation occurs, we will endeavour to fix the problem or "borrow" another aircraft wherever possible, but this cannot always be guaranteed and, as a last resort we may have to reschedule you to another day at late notice.

Airfield availability is not normally an issue, except during the winter months when the grass runways can be prone to waterlogging which means that it is not safe to operate aircraft, so the airfield is closed.  Other occasions when the airfield may not be available to us include aircraft unserviceabilities that close the runway, events (air shows etc), runways unuseable (eg due to flooding, chemical/oil spillages and resurfacing work).  Occasionally, the airfield will be closed at short notice (including for royal flights) and we may not always receive sufficient notice to cancel scheduled flying in time.

Can you recommend any local accommodation?

There is a wide range of places to stay in Chichester and the surrounding area, including country pubs, hotels in town or B&Bs near the coast. Often places get booked up, especially in the summer. We only recommend the Tinwood Estate and Vineyard, or The Goodwood Hotel, both of which have beautiful settings and are less than 2 miles away.  Please refer to or for more suggestions.